Zusi 3 TCP Protocol Library
An implementation of the Zusi 3 TCP protocol in C++.
Classes | Enumerations
zusi Namespace Reference

Zusi. More...


class  Attribute
 Generic Zusi message attribute. Data is owned by the class. More...
class  ClientConnection
 Manages connection to a Zusi server. More...
class  Connection
 Parent class for a connection. More...
class  DebugSocket
 Dummy socket for debug purposes. More...
class  Node
 Generic Zusi message node. More...
class  Socket
 Abstract interface for a socket. More...
class  WinsockBlockingSocket
 Socket implemented using the built-in Windows Winsock networking functions. More...


enum  MsgType { MsgType_Connecting = 1, MsgType_Fahrpult = 2 }
 Message Type Node ID - used for root node of message.
enum  Command {
  Cmd_HELLO = 1, Cmd_ACK_HELLO = 2, Cmd_NEEDED_DATA = 3, Cmd_ACK_NEEDED_DATA = 4,
  Cmd_DATA_FTD = 0xA, Cmd_DATA_OPERATION = 0xB, Cmd_DATA_PROG = 0xC, Cmd_INPUT = 0x010A,
  Cmd_CONTROL = 0x010B, Cmd_GRAPHIC = 0x010C
 Command Node ID - type of sub-nodes of root node.
enum  FuehrerstandData {
  Fs_Geschwindigkeit = 1, Fs_DruckHauptlufleitung = 2, Fs_DruckBremszylinder = 3, Fs_DruckHauptluftbehaelter = 4,
  Fs_Motordrehzahl = 15
 Fuehrerstand Data variable ID's.
enum  ProgData { Prog_Zugdatei = 1, Prog_Zugnummer, Prog_SimStart, Prog_BuchfahrplanDatei }
 Program status Data variable ID's.
enum  Tastatur { Tt_Fahrschalter = 1, Tt_DynBremse = 2, Tt_Pfeife = 0x0C, Tt_Sifa = 0x10 }
 Input function ID's.
enum  TastaturKommand {
  Tk_Unbestimmt = 0, Tk_FahrschalterAuf_Down = 1, Tk_FahrschalterAuf_Up = 2, Tk_FahrschalterAb_Down = 3,
  Tk_FahrschalterAb_Up = 4, Tk_SifaDown = 0x39, Tk_SifaUp = 0x3A, Tk_PfeifeDown = 0x45,
  Tk_PfeifeUp = 0x46
 Input command ID's.
enum  TastaturAktion {
  Ta_Default = 0, Ta_Down = 1, Ta_Up = 2, Ta_AufDown = 3,
  Ta_AufUp = 4, Ta_AbDown = 5, Ta_AbUp = 6, Ta_Absolut = 7,
  Ta_Absolut1000er = 8
 Input action ID's.

Detailed Description
